Satoshi Nakamoto was octogenarian
“Just leave the old one alone! Older is better.” Satoshi Nakamoto, 15 August, 2010
It’s not clear how John F Nash Jr. would have taken to being called a social scientist, but his first work in game theory — The Bargaining Problem (1950) — is acknowledged as being the first in the social sciences to use an axiomatic approach:
“Nash’s paper is one of the first to apply the axiomatic method to a problem in the social sciences.” Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind p. 90 (1998)
Nasar remarks how Nash would arrive at proofs in his head, sometimes without calculation before working them backwards, similar to how Satoshi Nakamoto says he coded bitcoin to make sure it was possible, before explaining the idea:
“I actually did this kind of backwards. I had to write all the code before I could convince myself that I could solve every problem, then I wrote the paper.” Satoshi Nakamoto, 9 November, 2008
Satoshi Nakamoto at one point describes himself more a designer, than coder:
“Much more of the work was designing than coding.” Satoshi Nakamoto, 18 June, 2010
In 1954, John F Nash Jr. sent RAND Corporation some ideas for the design of a decentralised computer architecture:
There are many reasons to believe John F Nash Jr. was Satoshi Nakamoto, or at least the primary mind behind the idea. One of the axioms Nash introduced in The Bargaining Problem (1950), was Pareto Optimality, and Satoshi Nakamoto speaks to this on a number of occasions, including justifying the bitcoin energy requirement:
“According to the "long tail" theory, the small, medium and merely large farms put together should add up to a lot more than the biggest zombie farm.” Satoshi Nakamoto, 3 November, 2008
John F Nash Jr.’s Ideal Money reads like a humanities based approach to the general subject of money, where the main thesis is to introduce a media free of “inflationary decadence”, useful in contract adjustment, but where calculations to a form of voting — with obvious comparison with CPU power holding voting latency in bitcoin — apparent in John F Nash Jr.’s Agencies Method to coalition formation and cooperative game studies — both works undertaken concurrently to the development of bitcoin — and where software was written and coding had been completed in the same language as bitcoin (C++) where the majority of programming work was recursive to 21 variables, so that (hi)stories are determined by not only their ending, but by their genesis too.